Measures for Person Centred Coordinated Care
Measures for Person Centred Coordinated Care is a gateway to information. It is designed to be a tool for a range of stakeholders - healthcare professionals, commissioners, managers and researchers. The ultimate goal is to help improve the role of the patient’s voice in the delivery of health services.
The website is a compendium of Patient Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs) and Patient Reported Experience Measures (PREMs) that can be utilised within programs that aim to deliver or evaluate person centred and coordinated care (P3C). We have taken a broad approach to the tools that might be of utility, dividing the compendium of measures into:
Person Centred Care Patient Reported Measures (P3C-PRMs) – tools that specifically measure some aspect of P3C, such as communication, shared-decision making or self-management.
Quality of Life (QoL) measures – i.e. measures that can be used to measure how health might, for example, be influencing aspects such as a person’s social and mental health.
The starting point for this compendium is The Shortlist. This is a focused list of measures that we selected and organised, providing examples of measures in a variety of categories. These shortlisted measures have a focus on Long-Term Conditions and those at the End of their Life. The about page describes more detail about the project. You can also see a longer list of measures in The Full Database, or use the Search Feature.
This website is a complementary accompaniment to our “Commissioners Guide”, explaining how to deploy and utilise these tools in real-life healthcare settings. There are two versions of the guide, and also a navigation document:
- An introductory, navigation document for the guide
- Short version of the commissioners guide for P3C
- Full version of the commissioners guide for P3C