Full Database

Abbreviated name Full name Items Short description PCCC or QoL? Action
PREOS‐PC Patient Reported Experiences and Outcomes of Safety in Primary Care questionnaire 7 PREOS-PC explores patients’ experiences and perceptions of patient safety in general practices with the aim of eliciting patient‐centred recommendations for improving patient safety. Patient Experience View Detail
B-IPQ Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire 9 The Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire (Brief IPQ) is a 9-item questionnaire designed to rapidly assess cognitive and emotional representations of illness. Patient Experience View Detail
PAID Problem Areas in Diabetes Scale 20 Used to assess common problems in diabetes patients Quality of Life View Detail
POEM Patient-reported Outcome and Experience Measure 8 The Glaucoma POEM is a novel eight-item questionnaire that was developed from the “National Glaucoma Think Tank” event in the United Kingdom in 2012. Acceptability of the treatment View Detail
MTBQ Multimorbidity Treatment Burden Questionnaire 10 The Multimorbidity Treatment Burden Questionnaire (MTBQ) is a 10-item questionnaire designed to measure treatment burden (the effort of looking after one’s health) in patients with multimorbidity (multiple long-term conditions) in primary care. Multimorbidity View Detail
DDS Diabetes Distress Scale 17 DDS focuses on distress involving clinicians and treatment, and motivational and behavioural problems of diabetes patients. Distress View Detail
HASMID Health and Self-Management in Diabetes 8 A tool to measure doctors interpersonal skills during a consultation. self-management support View Detail
PDRQ-9 Patient Doctor Relation Questionnaire 11 A tool to measure doctors interpersonal skills during consultation Communication View Detail
QUALITY OF END-OF-LIFE CARE (QEOLC-10): COMMON SOLUTION, PATIENT VERSION QEOLC-10 10 The common solution questionnaire provided here is composed of 10 items and may be used with patients who have been asked to evaluate the quality of end-of-life care. The 10 items were selected from a larger set of items using factor analytic approaches, and represent all five domains that we had identified previously as important to the quality end-of-life care. The items are the same for all respondent-types, making it easier to compare scores across respondents. The items provide a single score, derived as a simple mean of item values. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
LIS Life Improver Score 6 A tool for asthma patients that allows them to set their own health and wellbeing goals Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
QOC-13 Quality of Communication Questionnaire, Short (Self-Administered) 13 The QOC is an instrument for assessing the quality of patient-doctor communication around end-of-life issues. This is a shortened version based on sub-scale validation and can be self-administered. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PEQ Patient Experience Questionnaire (NHS survey) 19 A longer version of the PPE-15 used as an NHS survey tool Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PEQ Patient Experience Questionnaire (Steine) 18 The Patient Experience Questionnaire is a free to use, reliable, validated measure of patient experience. It is an 18 item self-reported measure of how a patient has felt about their consultation. It should be used only in one-on-one consultation circumstances. The items are not all suitable to domiciliary consultations. If you work in an inpatient setting the PPE-15 is probably more suitable: It measures patient experience along the domains: communication; emotions; short-term outcomes; barriers; and relations with auxiliary staff. The PEQ can be used to gain feedback on the practitioner-patient relationship across these domains. While it was developed for use by doctors, the questions are generic enough that it could be easily adapted to be used by other health professionals (e.g., change occurrences of the word Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
LTCQ Long-Term Conditions Questionnaire 20 Patient-reported outcome measurefor use among people with single or multiple LTCs Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
MYMOP Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile A brief indvidualised outcome questionnaire. Whilst problem specific, it also includes items on general wellbeing and is relevant across physical, emotional and social symptoms .Practitioners found that MYMOP was practical and applicable to all patients with symptoms and that its use increased their awareness of patients' priorities (Paterson, 1996). IPROM View Detail
PGI Patient Generated Index / Modified Patient Generated Index Although it is a quality of life measure, the PGI does allows the individual to select personally relevant areas for improvement through the application of a point scale. Various adaptations have been made to suit a variety of patient groups. It has a well-developed conceptual model, and the modified version, in particular, is able to detect change. IPROM View Detail
Talking Mats Although not specific to goal setting, Talking Mats have been used effectively with those with cognitive impairment to facilitate participation in discussions that they may have difficulty in engaging in otherwise IPROM View Detail
GAS Goal Attainment Scaling 5 The GAS is a personalised outcome measure that progress towards achieving individualised goals. Due to it's personalised nature, it is sensitive to change, and it also has acceptable levels of reliability and validity. It is probably more complicated to score than standard questionnaire measures, especially for calculating change scores. Originally used in mental health settings, but has also been undertaken in elderly care settings and as a goal setting facilitator for chronic pain and in cognitive and amputee rehabilitation. A considerable literature base suggests its usefulness within a person centred decision making process. IPROM View Detail
COPM Canadian Occupational Performance Measure Deemed reliable and clinically useful for occupational therapist practitioners. It offers a broad focus on occupational performance across a range of areas including self-care, leisure and productivity, and takes into account personal life circumstances. It has been used with a variety of client groups, although there is some evidence that it is not suitable for those with low empowerment/ self-management skills. IPROM View Detail
YFHS-WHO+ Youth Friendly Health Services Questionnaire (YFHS-WHO+) 49 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
WOMBAT Work Observation Method by Activity Timing (WOMBAT) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
UK General Medical Council Patient Questionnaire Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Tucker Culturally Sensitive Health Care Clinic Environment Inventory - Patient Form Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Toronto Empathy Questionnaire Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
TURNIP Tool for Understanding Residents' Needs as Individual Persons (TURNIP) 39 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Tasks of Medicine Scale Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
SHEP Survey of Healthcare Experiences of Patients (SHEP) The SHEP survey has provided a useful tool for evaluating and improving satisfaction among its VHA veteran users. The Survey of Healthcare Experiences of Patients (SHEP), managed by the VHA Office of Quality and Performance (OQP), regularly solicits patient responses related to a specific and most recent episode of either outpatient or inpatient care. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
SCEQ Stroke Carer Experience Questionnaire (SCEQ) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
SCCAP Siminoff Communication Content and Affect Programme (SCCAP) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Shared Decision-Making Inventory Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
SDM(MASS) Shared Decision Making - Meeting its concept's Assumptions (SDM(MASS)) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Shared Care Instrument Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
RAIS Roter Interaction Analysis System (RAIS) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
RCQ Role Category Questionnaire (RCQ) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Resources and Support for Chronic Illness Self-management Scale 17 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
QUOTE QUOTE-questionnaires (Quality Of care Through the patients' Eyes) 7-domains Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
QSH Questionnaire for satisfaction of hospitalised (QSH) patients 45 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Professional Practice Environment Questionnaire Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PCAT-patient Primary Care Assessment Tool (PCAT - patient version) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PCAS Primary Care Assessment Survey (PCAS) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PACS Primary Care Assessment Survey (PACS) 9 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Practices in Self-management Support 25 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Physician Trust in the Patient 12 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Personhood Questionnaire 17 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Personhood in Dementia Questionnaire 20 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Person-centred staff survey 50 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PCCCS Person-Centred Communication Coding System (PCCCS) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
POPAC Person-centred care of older people with cognitive impairment in acute care scale (POPAC) 15 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Personal Identity Threat Survey Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Patient's Assessment of Quality Scale 90 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale 18 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Patient-Family-Centred Care Survey Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PDIS Patient-Doctor Interaction Scale (PDIS) The Patient-Doctor Interaction Scale (PDIS) can be used to assess the level of satisfaction that a patient feels for a recent physician encounter. It is a versatile instrument that can be administered in several ways and provides reliable feedback. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PCQ Patient-centredness Questionnaire (PCQ) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Patient-centred Care Scale 16 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Patient Satisfaction Scale Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PSQ Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PMOS Patient Measure of Safety (PMOS) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PEECH Patient Evaluation of Emotional Care during Hospitalisation (PEECH) 48 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PDI Patient Dignity Inventory (PDI) 22 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Patient Activation Measure for Customer Quality Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PCOMS Partners for Change Outcome Management System (PCOMS) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Parents Perceptions of Continuity Scale Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PACCI Paediatric Asthma Control and Communication Instrument (PACCI) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Organisational Values Questionnaire Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Nursing Activities for Communication With Families Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
NQCPQ Nurse Quality of Communication with Patient Questionnaire (NQCPQ) 6 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
NHS National Adult Inpatient Survey Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Newcastle Satisfaction with Nursing Scale 19 An instrument for quality assessments of nursing care Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
NRC Picker National Research Corporation Picker Paediatric Inpatient Survey (NRC Picker) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
MISS-21 Medical Interview Satisfaction Scale (MISS-21) 21 The 29-item 'Medical Interview Satisfaction Scale' was developed in the USA to assess patient satisfaction with individual doctor-patient consultations. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
MEPS Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Medical Communications Behaviour System Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Measure of Processes of Care for Service Providers Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
MPOC-56 Measure of Processes of Care 56-item version 56 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
MPOC-20 Measure of Processes of Care 20-item version 20 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
MPCC Measure of Patient-Centred Communication (MPCC) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
MAAS-GP MAAS History-taking and Advice Checklist GP (MAAS-GP) 68 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
JSE Jefferson Scale of (Physician) Empathy (JSE) 20 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Irish National Perception of Quality of Care Survey Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
IRI Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
IPC Interpersonal Processes of Care Survey 29 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ICAS Interpersonal Communication Assessment Scale (ICAS) 23 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Inpatient Experience Survey Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Informed Decision Making tool Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Individualised Care Inventory 35 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ICI Individual Care Instrument (ICI) - patient 3 domains Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
IPQ Improving Practice Questionnaire (IPQ) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Hong Kong Inpatient Experience Questionnaire 54 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Hogan Empathy Scale Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Health Information Wants Questionnaire Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Global Rating Scale Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
General Practice Patient Survey - England 45 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
GPAS General Practice Assessment Survey (GPAS / GPAQ) 53 items in 7 domains Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Family-Centred Care Self-Assessment Inventory 7 domains Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Family-Centred Care Questionnaire Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Family Empowerment Scale Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
EPOC Explicit Professional Oral Communication (EPOC) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
EUROPEP Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Euro Health Consumer Index Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ECQ ENDOCARE questionnaire (ECQ) 10 domains Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
EQ Empathy Quotient (EQ) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Emotional Tone Rating Scale Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Emotional Intimacy Scale 5 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
EPCS Elderly Resident-Perceived Caring Scale (EPCS) 14 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ELICS Effective Listening and Interactive Communication Scale (ELICS) 24 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Dialogue - consultation satisfaction questionnaire 18 Adapted version of the consultation satisfaction questionnaire for use with nurses, doctors and HPs Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Decision-making Involvement Scale 20 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Decisional Balance for Patient Choice in Substance Abuse Treatment Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Davis Observation Code Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CQ-index Consumer Quality Index Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CAHPS Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS and CAHPS Hospital) 27 The Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CSQ Consultation Satisfaction Questionnaire Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CQI Consultation Quality Index Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Compassion Scale 10 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CSM Communicator Styles Measure 40 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CSAS Communication Skills Attitude Scale Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CS-PAM Clinician Support for Patient Activation Measure Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Client Satisfaction Survey Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Client Generated Index 6 steps The CGI was developed to measure outcomes in community health settings. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Caring Behaviours Inventory 24 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Caring Behaviour Measurement Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CARES observational tool 16 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Carer HospSat Carer Hospital Satisfaction Questionnaire Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Carer Experience Scale Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CEQUEL Caregiver Evaluation of Quality of End-of-Life Care Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Cardiovascular population scale Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Benchmarking Person-centred Care Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Barriers to Providing Family-Centred Care Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
BTMS Baker and Taylor Measurement Scale 3 domains The Baker & Taylor Measurement Scale (BTMS) was selected to measure patient satisfaction and quality of care as perceived by the patient during their hospital stay Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PCRS Assessment of Primary Care Resources and Supports for Chronic Disease Self-Management (PCRS) 16 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ACIC Assessment Chronic Illness Care Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Artefact of Culture Change Tool 6 domains Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Ambulatory Care Experiences Survey Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ACQ Affective Communication Questionnaire Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
4 Habits Coding Scheme Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ICE-CAP-A Investigating Choice Experiments Capability Measure for Adults (ICECAP-A) 5 The ICE-CAP-A is a capability measure for the general adult population. Unlike the EQ-5D (which focuses on health), the ICA-CAP-A focuses on wellbeing defined in a broader sense and may therefore be a more appropriate measure for mental illness. It was developed in the UK. Quality of Life View Detail
Inspire Inspire 20+7 The Inspire is a 20 item measure of Recovery and has an additional 7 items scale that rates therapeutic relationship. There is also a short version (the Brief Inspire) that focuses more on measuring the quality of the therapeutic relationship than recovery. It was developed in the UK and although a relatively new measure, appears to have acceptable psychometric properties. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
SISR Self-Identifies Stage of Recovery 9 The SISR is a 9 item measure of recovery. The measure has not yet demonstrated adequate psychometric properties. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Recovery Star 10 The Recovery Start is a 10 item recovery measure for adults managing their mental health and recovering from mental illness. Unlike questionnaire measures, it is presented in diagram form and is completed jointly be service user and key worker. It has acceptable psychometric properties with regard to content validity and reliability. There is a relatively small cost involved in purchasing a license to use the Recovery Star. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
RPI Recovery Process Inventory 22 The RPI is a 22 item measure of recovery that covers all 5 aspects of recovery. The measure has acceptable psychometric properties with regard to content validity and reliability. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
RMQ Recovery Markers Questionnaire 28 The RMQ is a 28 item measure of recovery. The measure has not yet demonstrated adequate psychometric properties. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
RAS Recovery Assessment Scale 41 The RAS is a 41 items recovery measure that covers all 5 elements of recovery (connectedness, hope, identity, meaning and purpose, and empowerment). It has acceptable psychometric properties with regard to content and construct validity and reliability. It compared favourably to other measures in a systematic review (Shanks et al, 2013) and is the most widely published measure. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
QPR Process of Recovery Questionnaire 22 The QPR is a 22 item recovery measure that covers all 5 elements of recovery (connectedness, hope, identity, meaning and purpose, and empowerment). The measure has been tested in the UK and has adequate psychometric properties for content and construct validity and reliability. There is also a 15 item version which has acceptable psychometric properties and has been reported to be more robust that the longer version. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PRI Psychosis Recovery Inventory 25 This is a 25 item measure of recovery. It has not yet been tested within the UK population. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
MHRM Mental Health Recovery Measure 41 The MHRM is a 41 measure of recovery. The measure is longer than a number of the other measures and has not yet demonstrated adequate psychometric properties. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
MARS Maryland Assessment of Recovery 25 A 25 item recovery measure that covers all 5 elements of recovery (connectedness, hope, identity, meaning and purpose, and empowerment). The measure had adequate psychometric properties for content validity and reliability. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
IMR Illness Management and Recovery Scales 15 The IMR is a 15 item scale that covers 2 of the 5 aspects of recovery (connectedness and empowerment). The scale has adequate psychometric properties for content validity and reliability. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
HoNoS Health of the Nation outcome Scales 12 The HoNoS is a routinely used outcome measure in mental health services that measures behaviour, impairment, symptoms and functioning. Other View Detail
WEMWBS Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-Being Scale 14 The Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) comprises 14 items that relate to an individual Other View Detail
BAI Beck Anxiety Inventory 21 The Beck Anxiety Inventory is one of the most popular screening and outcome research instruments for measuring the construct of anxiety. Other View Detail
WSAS Work and Social Adjustment Scale 5 The work and social adjustment scale examines patients' perspectives concerning impaired functioning. Other View Detail
GAD-7 Generalised Anxiety Disorder 7 Symptom based Anxiety questionnaire, widely used in UK (e.g. in IAPT service). Other View Detail
CORE-10 Clinical Outcomes for Routine Evaluation - 10 item 10 10 item version of the CORE. CORE-10 is a short and easy-to-use assessment measure for common presentations of psychological distress in UK primary care mental health settings. Other View Detail
CORE-OM Clinical Outcomes for Routine Evaluation - Outcome Measure 34 A measure of psychological distress that includes both depression and anxiety symptoms. Other subscales are well-being, functioning, and risk. Developed and validated in the UK. The measure fits on two sides of A4 and includes 34 simply worded items all answered on the same five-point scale ranging from Other View Detail
PHQ-9 Patient Health Questionnaire 9 Symptom based Depression questionnaire, widely used in UK (e.g. in IAPT service), good evidence of diagnostic and discriminant validity, and used to evaluate services. Not intended for use in severe mood disorder. Other View Detail
HADS Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale 10 Screening instrument for depression and anxiety in non-psychiatry settings, validated in primary care samples. Other View Detail
BDI-II Beck Depression Inventory 20 Used to identify depression and measure the severity of depression symptoms. Other View Detail
QUAL-E QUAL-E 26 The QUAL-E is a brief measure of quality of life at the end of life. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
MQOL McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire 16 A Quality of Life Questionnaire in the palliative care setting. Well used in the USA, it was recommended as the scale with the best overall psychometric properties for QoL in palliative care in a previous systematic review - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19843620 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
EOLD-CAD Comfort Assessment in Dying with Dementia 14 Satisfaction with Care at the End-of-Life in Dementia (EOLD-SWC) & Comfort Assessment in Dying with Dementia (EOLD-CAD) are a pair of tools for EoL care in dementia. EOLD-CAD has four subscales: Physical Distress, Dying Symptoms, Emotional Distress, and Well Being. Both scales have been deemed as being the most valid and internally consistent for end-of-life in dementia in systematic review - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21814875. Furthermore, this set of scales was recently signposted in a UK a publication of implementation of UK national policies - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=26481400 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
EOLD-SWC Satisfaction with Care at the End-of-Life in Dementia 10 Satisfaction with Care at the End-of-Life in Dementia (EOLD-SWC) & Comfort Assessment in Dying with Dementia (EOLD-CAD) are a pair of tools for EoL care in dementia. Both scales have been deemed as being the most valid and internally consistent for end-of-life in dementia in systematic review - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21814875. Furthermore, this set of scales was recently signposted in a UK a publication of implementation of UK national policies - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=26481400 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
FPCS Family Perception of Care Scale 25 A tool developed exclusively for long-term care facilities, measuring resident care, family support, communication, and rooming. It was deemed as having excellent content validity, covering all essential domains of palliative care, is simple to administer and scored well in systematic review of psychometric properties - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20817748 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
STAS Support Team Assessment Schedule The STAS was developed as a standardized measure to evaluate the work of palliative care support teams. Its 17 items can be rated from 0 (best) to 4 (worst) by a patients professional caregiver. These items measure patient symptoms, anxiety and insight, family anxiety and insight, quality of communication with health care professionals and carers, and the need for practical support. Although still well used in Asia, it has largely been superseded by the POS in other regions. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
POS Palliative Care Outcome Scale 12 - Patient version The POS was developed following the success of its predecessor, the STAS. This measure was designed for use with advanced cancer patients and evaluates similar outcomes to the STAS, but with an additional patient-reported element. There are other versions available for healthcare professionals and carers. This family of tools measures patients' physical symptoms, psychological, emotional and spiritual, information and support needs. They are validated instruments that can be used in clinical care, audit, research and training. It is among the top five outcome measures used in research as well as clinical care and audit in Europe, but is used worldwide and has been translated into numerous languages, and is increasingly being used as an evaluation tool, in addition to assessing patients symptoms and needs. There is a growing body of evidence for the validity of the POS and its acceptability among patients, caregivers, and health professionals. They are largely considered as a valid and reliable tools - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26335764 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
FEHC Family Evaluation of Hospice Care 61 The Family Evaluation of Hospice Care (FEHC) survey is a 61-item questionnaire that surveys family members about care provided to the decedent by the hospice. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
QODD QODD: SIGNIFICANT OTHER AFTER DEATH INTERVIEW (Version 1.0) 31 The QODD was constructed from concepts elicited from literature review, qualitative interviews with persons with and without chronic and terminal conditions, and consideration of desirable measurement properties. Quality of dying and death is defined as the degree to which a person's preferences for dying and the moment of death agree with observations of how the person actually died, as reported by others. There are six conceptual domains: symptoms and personal care, preparation for death, moment of death, family, treatment preferences, and whole person concerns. It is one of the most well used and best domain coverage of EoL tools. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ADBFI After-death Bereaved Family Member Interview Tool A survey administered to a proxy individual to measure quality of care at the end of life from the perspective of family members. It is based on a patient-focused, family-centred approach that examines whether end-of-life care meets the expectations and needs of the dying person and their family members. The instrument investigates a comprehensive coverage of domains, including whether physical comfort and emotional support are provided to the dying patient, whether shared decision making is promoted, if care is focused on the individual, whether the needs of family members are met and if satisfactory coordination of care is achieved. This was the most cited of measures in a recent systematic review for measuring EoL experience - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25543110. It covers a broad variety of domains and has been used in the widest contexts, including nursing homes, hospitals, cancer centres and outpatient services for diseases including cancer and dementia. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ZBI-SF Zarit Burden Interview (Short Form) 12 A tool to measure the impact of dementia caregiving on the carer. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CRA Caregiver Reaction Assessment A multidimensional instrument to assess the reactions of family members caring for elderly persons with physical impairments, Alzheimer's disease, and cancer. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ALGA-BC ALGA-Breast Cancer 29 This a multidimensional questionnaire that has been designed with the explicit goals of delivering personalised and patient centred-medicine. It assesses the breast cancer patient's physical and mental characteristics in order to provide physicians, prior to the consultation, with a patient's profile that is supposed to facilitate subsequent communication, interaction, and information delivery between the doctor and the patient. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
QLACS Quality of Life in Adult Cancer Survivors 47 The QLACS is a measure specifically focusing on the quality of life of long-term cancer survivors . It is based on the multidimensional cancer-related quality of life model, which takes into account both functioning and patient satisfaction with functioning. Long-term cancer survivorship has been defined as the period exceeding diagnosis for at least 5 years. It has been used in a large UK national follow up study of cancer survivors :http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22048028 Quality of Life View Detail
IOCv2 Impact of Cancer Scale v2 37+10 The IOC was developed specifically to measure unique and multidimensional aspects of long-term cancer survivorship focusing almost exclusively on problems, issues, and changes that long-term survivors ascribe to their cancer experience. Cancer survivorship is defined as a period of 5 years or more post-diagnosis. Quality of Life View Detail
CHQ Chronic Heart Failure Questionnaire 16 A tool for measuring longitudinal change over time within persons with HF. Whilst the KCCQ and MLHFQ are more widely used and better validated, the CHFQ is more sensitive, has a well-defined conceptual model, and allows patients to select the most important activities for them. However, it requires an interviewer and is time consuming. Quality of Life View Detail
LIhFE Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire 13 The most widely used instrument for HRQoL in Heart Failure, targeting the extent to which HF prevents patients from living the way they want to. Quality of Life View Detail
KCCQ Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire 23 A measure for health-related quality of life in Heart Failure. The second most commonly utilised QoL measure for HF after the MLHFQ, the KCCQ was more recently designed, covers more domains and may have better psychometric properties. Quality of Life View Detail
MCQ Medical Care Questionnaire 15 An adaption of the Components of Primary Care Index (CPCI) for oncology outpatients, aimed to provide a valid perspective on patients' experiences of communicating with doctors and their perceptions of the continuity and coordination of their cancer care. It is one of the few cancer-specific care experience measures that has been developed in a UK context. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
FACT-G Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - General 27 The Fact is a general cancer quality-of-life (QL) measure for evaluating patients receiving cancer treatment. It covers four domains: Physical, Social, Emotional, and Functional wellbeing. Quality of Life View Detail
EORTC-QLQ 30 European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire 30 Cancer-specific core questionnaire for use in relation to various cancers. May be used in conjunction with the cancer specific modules from the same provider. Quality of Life View Detail
Neuro-QoL Neuro-QoL health-related quality of life measurement system The NeuoQoL measure was recently co-designed with patients and carers, measuring aspects of physical, mental, and social health. It possesses characteristics such as brevity, flexibility in administration, and suitability, for cross-disease comparisons that may be advantageous to users in a variety of settings. The project is targeting 5 adult conditions (stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinsons disease, epilepsy and ALS) and 2 paediatric conditions (epilepsy and muscular dystrophies). Quality of Life View Detail
SCOPA-PS Scales for Outcomes in Parkinson's disease-PsychoSocial questionnaire 11 A short questionnaire for psychosocial functioning in patients with Parkinson's Disease. Quality of Life View Detail
PDQL Parkinsons Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire 21 Internationally the most frequently used PD HRQoL instrument. The PDGL was developed based on the experience of patients with Parkinson's disease and of neurologists; medical literature on the problems of patients with Parkinson's disease; and other quality of life questionnaires. Health-Related Quality of Life View Detail
PDQ-8 Short-Form Parkinsons Disease Questionnaire 8 A short-form version of the most thoroughly tested and validated Parkinson's HRQoL instrument. It provides a single index measure of overall health status is acceptable or desirable. Health-Related Quality of Life View Detail
COAST Communication Outcome after Stroke 20 COAST is a patient-centred, practical and reliable measure that can be used to assess self-perceived communication effectiveness for people with stroke, developed in the UK. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
SSEQ The Stroke Self-Efficacy Questionnaire 13 A tool to measure self-efficacy judgements in specific domains of functioning relevant to individuals following stroke. Health-Related Quality of Life View Detail
SIPSO The Subjective Index of Physical and Social Outcome 10 A valid and reliable assessment of an individual's ability to reintegrate to a 'normal' lifestyle, including social outcomes. A short scale that has been well-validated and used in the UK context for assessing physical and social outcomes for stroke patients. Health-Related Quality of Life View Detail
SIS Stroke Impact Scale 8 A Short-Form version of the SIS that can accurately provide the disability score and overall index score similar to the longer version, but with considerable brevity. Health-Related Quality of Life View Detail
SCI-R Self-Care Inventory Revised 15 The SCI-R evaluates individuals perceptions of how well they engage with their individualised treatment recommendations. It is revised version of the SCI, modified to reflect current diabetes practice, with reasonable psychometrics that has been validated in a UK context Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
MMAS-8 Morisky Medication Adherence Scale 4 A brief, commonly used, easily administered questionnaire to assess medication adherence in chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, asthma, or heart failure. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
MARS Medication Adherence Report Scale 5 Medication taking in diabetes. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
DCP Diabetes Care Profile 8 The DCP is a standardized instrument for assessing social and psychological factors related to diabetes and its treatment. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
SDSCA Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities 11 A multidimensional tool for the assessment of self-management in diabetes. The most widely used and validated tool for self-management in diabetes. SDSCA is a brief self-report questionnaire of diabetes self-management that includes items assessing aspects of the diabetes regimen. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
DIAB-Q Diabetes Intention, Attitude, and Behavior Questionnaire 17 A brief questionnaire to measure physical activity, dietary control, maintenance of a healthy weight, and psychological antecedents. It is a new measure for intention to self-care in diabetes, with potential utility ion identifying optimal type-2-diabetes management approaches that incorporated individual beliefs and preferences. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
DHP-18 Diabetes Health Profile (18 item version) 18 A tool to assess the psychological impact of living with type 1 diabetes. DHP is a Diabetes HrQoL measure that is short, well-translated, well used in the UK context and has been independently assessed as having well-validated psychometric properties. Health-Related Quality of Life View Detail
DHP-1 Diabetes Health Profile (32 Item version) 32 A tool to assess the psychological impact of living with type 1 diabetes. DHP is a Diabetes HrQoL measure that is short, well-translated, well used in the UK context and has been independently assessed as having well-validated psychometric properties. Health-Related Quality of Life View Detail
ADDQoL-19 Audit of Diabetes Dependent QoL (19 item version) 19 ADDQoL is a Diabetes HrQoL measure that is short, well-translated, well used in the UK context and has been independently assessed as having well-validated psychometric properties. Health-Related Quality of Life View Detail
ADDQoL-14 Audit of Diabetes Dependent QoL (14 Item version) 14 The 14-item version has been created in response to an immediate requirement for an (adapted) English version of the ADDQoL19 in a shorter form. It was designed for use by those people who, for various reasons, might find the longer version too arduous (e.g. low literacy, vision problems). ADDQoL is a Diabetes HrQoL measure that is short, well-translated, well used in the UK context and has been independently assessed as having well-validated psychometric properties. Health-Related Quality of Life View Detail
DQOL Dementia Quality of Life 29 DQOL was developed through an involved process (an iterative conceptual and statistical process that included a literature review and consultation with expert panels composed of people with dementia, caregivers, and professional care providers),and the developers concluded that people with mild to moderate dementia can be considered to be good informants of their own subjective states, thus paving the way for peoples own, rather than proxy, measures of QoL in dementia. Quality of Life View Detail
QOL-AD Quality of Life in Alzheimers Disease 13 QOL-AD is a brief, 13-item self-report (and 15-item caregiver-report) measure. It is the most commonly used dementia-specific measure of QoL, and includes assessment of physical health, mental health, social and functional domains, and an overall QoL score. It is the most common measure of dementia-specific QoL, as it is brief (13 items), has evidence of psychometric acceptability, sensitivity to psychosocial interventions, and can be used with people with poor cognitive scores (as low as 3 on the Mini Mental State Examination) Quality of Life View Detail
VR-36 Veterans RAND 36 A general measure developed in the VHS (Vetrans health survey) for measuring the physical and psychologic well-being of the patient. The VR-36 eight domains include physical functioning, role limitations due to physical problems, bodily pain, general health perceptions, vitality, social functioning, role limitations due to emotional problems and mental health. Quality of Life View Detail
UCLALS The UCLA Loneliness Scale 3 A short version of a longer 20-item tool, this tool was developed for service providers, it is short and academically rigorous, with a simple scoring system. However, it was developed in the USA with students, although the 3-item version has been tested with older people. Shown to be a robust measure of loneliness in self-administered questionnaires and telephone interviews. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
DJGLS De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale 6 The De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale is considered by many as the gold standard for measuring loneliness, and has been used in international contexts. It was initially developed in the Netherlands for research use in large surveys, this scale has been adapted for evaluating interventions. It is an academically rigorous tool that distinguishes between different causes of loneliness. It is a 6 item scale with 3 statements made about Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CELMT The Campaign to End Loneliness Measurement Tool 3 A short and sensitively-worded tool that is easy to use, this tool was developed over the course of 2014 by the Campaign to End Loneliness in partnership with over 50 older people, service providers, commissioners and housing associations. Three focus groups were held with older people in Bristol and London. These were followed by three design workshops, during which the organisations and older people present created an outcome Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
EASY-Care Elderly Assessment System (EASY-Care) 85 Elderly Assessment System (EASY-Care) was developed across Europe, including the UK, during the 1990s to provide a holistic and standardised approach to comprehensive geriatric assessment, and is a combined medical and social assessment tool. Development was supported by a grant from the European Regional Office of the World Health Organisation (WHO), involving cross-cultural adaptation and testing across several European countries. Itis a comprehensive geriatric assessments (CGAs) Quality of Life View Detail
CARE The Comprehensive assessment and Referral Evaluation 329/143 The Comprehensive Assessment and Referral Evaluation (CARE) is anassessment technique which is intended to reliably elicit, record, grade and classify information on the health and social problems of the older person. The CARE is basically a semi-structured interview guide and an inventory of defined ratings. It is designated comprehensive because it covers psychiatric, medical, nutritional, economic and social problems rather than the interests of only one professional discipline. Quality of Life View Detail
OMFAQ Older Americans Resources and Services (OARS) Multidimensional functional assessment (OMFAQ) 120 The Older Americans Resources and Services (OARS) methodology was designed to assess functional capacity in five dimensions (social resources, economic resources, mental health, physical health, and activities of daily living) and to measure use of and need for 24 types of generic services. It is the most widely evaluated older-people specific quality of life instrument with (internationally) the most evidence. Quality of Life View Detail
IC-PREM-Home Intermediate Care for Older People Home-Based PREM 15 A pair of PREMs have been designed specifically to evaluate the delivery of person-centred care for older people in intermediate care services Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
IC-PREM-Bed Intermediate Care for Older People Bed-Based PREM 15 A pair of PREMs have been designed specifically to evaluate the delivery of person-centred care for older people in intermediate care services Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
DCM Dementia Care Mapping Consists of four coding frames: mood enhancers (6 item scale); behaviour categories (23 items); personal detractions (PD) and personal enhancers (PE) (both contain 17 items, divided into five categories. Items are rated on a 2-point scale ranging between detracting and highly detracting for PDs and The aim of the tool is observing people with dementia living in formal care settings, driving development of person-centred care practice. Currently in 8th edition. Developed over a 3-year period from the previous version DCM7. Began with think tank of 33 experts in 2001 followed by series of eight international working groups. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CCRQ Client-Centred Rehabilitation Questionnaire 30 Client-centred occupational therapy in rehabilitation services, drawing on principles that promote autonomy, client strengths, choice and partnership. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
MPOC-A-34 Measure of Processes of Care 34-item version for adults 34 A measure of client-centredness of care for parents of children with disabilities. Originally client and family-centred care in paediatric medicine, adapted for adults. MPOC-A is a self-administered 34-item questionnaire with positively worded short statements and a 7-point Likert response scale. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ICS-patient Individualised Care Scale- patient version 38 Individualised care as an application of interactional models of nursing. The ICS was designed to measure patients' views on how individuality is supported through specific nursing interventions (ICA) and how they perceive individuality in their own care (ICB) during hospitalization. Focus on 3 domanis, individual patient char-acteristics in the clinical situation caused by the hos-pitalization (seven items); the patient Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ICS-Staff Individualised Care Scale- staff version 17 Individualised care as an application of interactional models of nursing. The ICS was designed to measure patients' views on how individuality is supported through specific nursing interventions (ICA) and how they perceive individuality in their own care (ICB) during hospitalization. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CCCQ Client-Centred Care Questionnaire 15 A 15-item questionnaire measuring to what extent older people receiving home care experience the care as being client centred. Item generation from qualitative study, experts, staff and clients of home care. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PCCQ-staff Person-centred Climate Questionnaire- staff version 14 PCQ is a questionnaire measuring to what extent the climate of health care settings is experienced as person centred bystaff. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Tereda Terada 2013 Untitled measure for Person-centered care and quality of life of patients with dementia 8 Tereda is a questionnaire for evaluating person-centered care and is used to assess person-centered care and QOL of elderly patients with dementia. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PDC Person-Directed Care Measure 35 Policy-driven origins: measure designed to evaluate local person-centred care initiative with aim of improving care relationships and job satisfaction. Aim is to evaluate to what extent settings meet person-directed care goals. Designed via expert generation of items, adding items from literature, two dimensions: person-directed care, and person-directed environment. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PCHC Person-centred Health Care for Older Adults Survey 31 Developed following Item reduction (factor analysis) of a previously developed benchmarking person-centred care survey. Used to measure healthcare staff's practice, attitudes, and beliefs regarding person-centered healthcare. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PCFC Patient-Centered Family-Focused Care 8 Palliative care literature integrating whole person perspectives with family-centredness. Assesses the degree to which care is patient centered and family focused. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
P-CAT Person-centred Care Assessment Tool (P-CAT - professionals) 13 Self-report assessment scale, the Person-centered Care Assessment Tool (P-CAT), which measures the extent to which long-term aged care staff rate their settings to be person-centered Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ICI Individualized Care Instrument 22 Individualised nursing care in long-term institutions for people with dementia. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
VR-12 The VR-12 was developed from the Veterans RAND 36 Item Health Survey (VR-36). Quality of Life View Detail
WHOQoL-BREF World Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument 26 The WHOQOL assesses individuals' perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns. It has been developed collaboratively in several culturally diverse centres over four years. Quality of Life View Detail
QWB Quality of Well-Being Scale 80 The QWB was developed using theory from the General Health Policy Model. This model includes several components, such as mortality (death) and morbidity (health-related quality of life). By administering the QWB before and after a treatment or intervention program, the intervention can be described in terms of the quality adjusted life years that it produces or saves. Quality of Life View Detail
NHP Nottingham Health Profile 38 The Nottingham Health Profile (NHP) measures health-related quality of life within the domains of energy, sleep, emotions, pain, mobility and social isolation as well as the frequency of health-related problems pertaining to paid employment, housework, hobbies, family life, social life, sex life and holidays. The NHP is well-documented with regard to reliability and validity, and is useful in describing the impact of chronic disease. The NHP is, moreover, a useful evaluative tool in patients with more pronounced disability. The NHP does perform well in populations with major burden of disease, and may be more responsive in these populations than the SF-36. Otherwise, it is less relevant for general population samples. Quality of Life View Detail
HUI3 Health Utilities Index 15 HUI refers to both HUI Mark 2 (HUI2) and HUI Mark 3 (HUI3) instruments. The classification systems provide compact but comprehensive frameworks within which to describe health status. The multi-attribute utility functions provide all the information required to calculate single-summary scores of health-related quality of life (HRQL) for each health state defined by the classification systems. HUI provides comprehensive, reliable, responsive and valid measures of health status and HRQL for subjects in clinical studies. Quality of Life View Detail
EQ-5D EuroQol EQ-5D-3L 6 A quick generic health status measure that can be used for clinical and economic evaluation. Whilst available in a large array of languages, and very short and rapid, the EQ-5D is not as sensitive, or comprehensive as slightly longer instruments, such as the 10-item PROMIS-GHS and the SF-36. This lack of sensitivity may impact on its utility for research and quality improvement purposes. Use of this measure is recommended when extreme brevity outweighs other concerns. Quality of Life View Detail
AQoL-8D Assessment of Quality of Life 35 The AQoL-8D was constructed to improve the evaluation of health services that have an impact upon the psychosocial aspects of the quality of life. The AQoL-8D is a reliable and valid instrument which offers an alternative to the MAU instruments presently used in economic evaluation studies, and one which is particularly suitable when psychosocial elements of health are of importance. Quality of Life View Detail
PROMIS-GHS PROMIS-Global Health Scale 10 A modern and promising generic Quality of Life measure. Whilst this does not have the same long history of alternative such as the SF-36 it is a serious contendor, given its sophisticated design, reduced items, good evidence (so far), and free use. Quality of Life View Detail
RAND-12 RAND-12 12 A very well used generic Quality of Life measure. Commonly used for quality-adjusted life year (QALY) calculations. Quality of Life View Detail
RAND-36 RAND-36 36 A very well used generic Quality of Life measure. Commonly used for quality-adjusted life year (QALY) calculations. The RAND taps into 8 concepts; physical functioning, bodily pain,role limitations due to physical health problems, role limitations due to personal or emotional problems, emotional well-being, social functioning, energy/fatigue, and general health perceptions. It also includesa single item that provides an indication of perceived change in health. Quality of Life View Detail
SF-12 Short-Form 12 12 A shorter version of the SF-36. If having only adequate physical and mental health summary scores is of interest, the SF-12 may be appropriate. Health-Related Quality of Life View Detail
SF-36 Short-Form 36 36 A very well used generic Quality of Life measure. Commonly used for quality-adjusted life year (QALY) calculations. The SF-36 is heavily used, historically well-validated and has a number of strengths, including its comprehensive coverage of general health and strong and well-studied psychometric properties. Health-Related Quality of Life View Detail
ES The Empowerment Scale 6 The Empowerment Scale (ES) is a new self-report measure of patient positive attitude and sense of control, knowledge and confidence in decision-making, and enabling others in self-management for long-term conditions in primary care. The ES has demonstrated good reliability and validity (Small et al, 2013). The enabling others dimension is a novel dimension in need of further exploration. It relates to current self-management initiatives in the NHS, such as the Expert Patients Programme, and the Health Trainers initiative, which both rely on non-professionals to teach and empower patients who may be coping less well with their long-term conditions. The ES has similarities with the Patient Activation Measure (Hibbard et al, 2005) and a formal comparison might highlight advantages and disadvantages of each. Both measures have different psychometric properties and underlying scale structure. The ES is currently being validated and back translated in 9 countries, the first results and back translation of the ES will be available in French (Quebec) in 2017. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
SWE-RES-23 The Swedish Rheumatic Disease Empowerment Scale 23 A Swedish empowerment instrument for patients with rheumatic diseases. The already existing instrument, the Swedish Diabetes Empowerment Scale (SWE-DES-23), was adapted for use in patients with rheumatic diseases. The adapted instrument was called the SWE-RES-23. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PEER Psoriasis Empowerment Enquiry in the Routine practice 12 PEER is a tool for measuring levels of empowerment in psoriatic patients, consisting of 12 items. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PPSS Parents Postnatal Sense of Security 18 The Parents Postnatal Sense of Security (PPSS) scale measures both the parents' experiences and sense of security during the first postnatal week. It assesses both mothers' and fathers' postnatal sense of security concerning the first postnatal week. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
GCOS-24 Genetic Counseling Outcome Scale 24 The Genetic Counseling Outcome Scale (GCOS-24) is a patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) for clinical genetics services. Previous research was used to develop a draft 84-item questionnaire, of which 24 questions were selected to form the Genetic Counseling Outcome Scale. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CIDES Cyber Info-Decisional Questionnaire 7 The Cyber Info-Decisional Questionnaire (CIDES) was developed to measure cyber informational and decisional empowerment. CIDES provides information about the extent to which computer-connected patients view digital peer support as an empowerment tool. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
C-DEPS Chinese Diabetes Empowerment Process Scale 15 Chinese version of the Diabetes Empowerment Process Scale. In people living with diabetes, empowerment can improve metabolic and psychosocial outcomes. A scale for measuring empowerment processes can also help healthcare professionals to optimize their empowering actions and would improve their interactions with people living with diabetes. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Swe-DES-23 Diabetes Empowerment Scale version 3 (Swedish) 23 Swedish version of the Diabetes Empowerment Scale (Swe-DES-23). Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
DESv2 Diabetes Empowerment Scale version 2 (Chinese) 20 The Diabetes Empowerment Scale (DES) is a measure of diabetes-related psychosocial self-efficacy. Version 2 of the DES is translated into chinese. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
DESv1 Diabetes Empowerment Scale version 1 28 The Diabetes Empowerment Scale (DES) is a measure of diabetes-related psychosocial self-efficacy. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ICS Inpatient Consumer Survey (ICS) 28 The ICS is a reliable measure of consumer satisfaction in psychiatric inpatient settings. The survery consists of various items covering 6 domains; dignity, rights, environment, empowerment, participation, and outcome, whereby patients mark their experiences on a disagree/agree five-point scale. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CEO-MHS Consumer Evaluation Of Mental Health Services 26 Most mental health outcome and satisfaction measures have been developed by academic researchers or service providers. Consumers have been limited to the role of participant or advisor. The validity and reliability of these satisfaction measures have been challenged. This measure is a consumer satisfaction questionnaire in which consumers have worked as collaborative researchers to increase its face validity and relevance. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
EQuiP Empowerment Questionnaire for Inpatients 16 The EquiP is a questionnaire that measures levels of empowerment experienced by older adults admitted to a psychiatric ward. Diverse views were sought to inform the questionnaire through a triangulation method; opinions of researchers were collected through a Delphi survey, clinical staff from different disciplines completed questionnaires, and patients participated in two focus group sessions. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
HPIQ Health Promotion Intervention Questionnaire 19 The Health Promotion Intervention Questionnaire is intended to measure patients' subjectively experienced health-promoting interventions within mental health services. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ESv2 Empowerment Scale version 2 25 Subscales of the ESv1 were examined to see whether they fit a model of consumer empowerment that distinguishes self- and community orientations. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ESv1 Empowerment Scale version 1 28 A 28-item scale to measure the personal construct of empowerment as defined by consumers of mental health services. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
HCEI Health Care Empowerment Inventory 8 The Health Care Empowerment Model offers direction for the investigation of patient-controlled engagement and involvement in health care. At the core of the model is the construct of Health Care Empowerment (HCE). The HCEI makes efforts to measure, understand, and track changes in the ways in which individuals engage in health care. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
BES Bann Empowerment Scale 5 The Bann Empowerment Scale (BES) is a scale that measures patients' perceptions of provider support, patient-centered care, and empowerment as predictors of health outcomes. Designed to assess aspects of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) provider support. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
HEIQ Health Education Impact Questionnaire 42 The HEIQ is a user-friendly, relevant, and psychometrically sound instrument for the comprehensive evaluation of patient education programs, which can be applied across a broad range of chronic conditions. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
TES Treatment-Related Empowerment Scale 10 The TES was developed to assess patients views of empowerment within the context of drug therapy for advanced HIV. In particular, the 10-item measure was constructed to focus on the areas of communication, treatment choice, decision-making and satisfaction (for example, my doctor supports my decisions about medicines, whether or not he/ she agrees with them). This measure may be of particular value for combination therapy regimens. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
KAS-R Kim Alliance Scale (Revised) 16 The KAS was developed to measure the quality of the therapeutic alliance from the patient's perspective, including patient empowerment. By triangulating literature findings and qualitative data, a conceptual framework was derived with four dimensions of alliance: collaboration, communication, integration, and empowerment. Using the exploratory series, KAS was refined into a 16-item KAS-R consisting of collaboration, integration, empowerment, and communication subscales. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
KAS Kim Alliance Scale (Original) 30 The KAS was developed to measure the quality of the therapeutic alliance from the patient's perspective, including patient empowerment. By triangulating literature findings and qualitative data, a conceptual framework was derived with four dimensions of alliance: collaboration, communication, integration, and empowerment. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PES Patient Empowerment Scale 28 The Patient Empowerment Scale (PES) is an initial empowerment measure developed through an extensive review of literature combined with a series of in-depth interviews of cancer patients concerning their use of coping strategies. A set of twenty-eight statements were formulated from themes into a Likert-type scale for self-completion by cancer patients. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
TiOS Trust in Oncologist Scale 18 The Trust in Oncologist Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
HCRTS-R Health Care Relationship Trust Scale Revised 13 Accurately measuring trust between patients and health care providers is important because low patient-provider trust can lead to poor treatment adherence and negative health outcomes. To measure patient-provider trust, the Health Care Relationship (HCR) Trust Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
HCRTS Health Care Relationship Trust Scale 15 A sequential multi-method approach using focus groups, individual interviews, and quantitative instrument development procedures was used to develop and evaluate the HCRTS scale, Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
A-WFPTS Abbreviated Wake Forest Physician Trust Scale 5 The length of the original scales to measure trust may limit their use because of the practical needs to minimize both respondent burden and research cost. The objective of this measure was to develop abbreviated scales to measure trust. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
WFPTS Wake Forest Physician Trust Scale 10 Various psychometric tests produced a 10-item unidimensional Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
TSPPD Trust Scale for the Patient-Physician Dyad 51 TSPPD ia a bi-dimensional trust scale specific to patient-physician relationships designed to empirically assess various trust-related issues on both levels. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
TPS Trust in Physician scale 11 An instrument to assess a patient's interpersonal trust in their physician. Items were written to refer to a patient's primary care provider rather than to physicians in general. Three dimensions of trust were assessed: dependability of the physician (looks out for the patient's best interest), confidence in the physician's knowledge and skills, and confidentiahty and reliability of information between the physician and the patient. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
4HPQ 4 Habits Patient Questionnaire 15 Designed as part of a large generic clinical communication program, the patient-reported scale has been shown to correlate with observer-based evaluations of communication. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PPRI The Physician-Patient Relationship Inventory 14 PPRI is designed to innvestigate the association of physician Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CPFT Communication of Pulmonary Function Test 19 Designed to assess the quality of communication of Pulmonary Function Test results. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CARE-C Visual CARE measure 5Q children 5 The Consultation and Relational Empathy (CARE) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CARE-Vis Visual CARE measure 10 Q adults (cognitive/communication/language difficulties) 10 CARE ( consultatation and relational empathy) was developed using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. It is designed to provide a consultation process measure based on a broad definition of empathy, which is meaningful to patients irrespective of their socio-economic background. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
VOICE Views on Inpatient Care (VOICE) 19 A patient-reported outcome measure of perceptions of acute care. VOICE uses a six-point Likert scale, ranging from Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
OEQ The Outcomes and Experience Questionnaire 11 One short instrument questions about two distinct domains Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
SURE SURE scale 4 SURE was developed so that there could be a shorter alternative to the Decisional Conflict Scale; a scale that allows health professionals to identify patients with decisional conflict (Legare, et al, 2010). The selection process for the four items within the measure was based on the core concepts of the Ottawa Decision Support Framework, which are reported as having relevancy at all stages of the decision making process; feeling uncertain, feeling informed, feeling clear about values and feeling supported in decision-making (OConnor, et al, 1998) The items were developed in French and English concurrently and were all positively framed. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
STAR-P Scale to measure Therapeutic Relationship - Patient version 12 STAR-P was designed to measure therapeutic relationships (TRs) from a patient perspective. The patient (STAR-P) and clinician scales (STAR-C) each have 12 items comprising three subscales: positive collaboration and positive clinician input in both versions, non-supportive clinician input in the patient version, and emotional difficulties in the clinician version. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
SDM-Q9 Shared Decision Making Questionnaire 9 Revised an existing instrument (Shared Decision Making Questionnaire; SDM-Q), including the generation of new items and changing the response format leading to the development of a 9-item version (SDM-Q-9). Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
SRS Session Rating Scale 10 The SRS was specifically designed to be a clinical tool, not a research instrument. The SRS combined elements of various measures into a 10-item, Likert-scaled instrument. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
SES6G Self-efficacy Scale for Chronic disease 6 item scale 6 Developed and validated by the Stanford Patient Education Centre. Evolved from several scales used in a chronic disease management study by Lorig et al (2001). It covers several domains that are common to a several types of chronic disease such as symptom control, role function, emotional functioning and communication with health care practitioners. Each of the 6 items are rated from 1 (not at all confident) to 10 (totally confident). The overall score is dervied from the mean of the 6 items. Higher scores indicate self-efficacy (Langweiler & McCarthy, 2015). Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
HCS Health Confidence Score - R-Outcomes 4 The Health Confidence Score (HCS) monitors peoples' confidence in their ability to manage their own health and engage with health and care providers. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
RMCC Relational and Management Continuity of Care 25 The RMCC aims to quantify problems of relational and management continuity of care in patients with multiple long-term conditions. The questionnaire includes 16 items concerning relational and management continuity of care. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
MHRS Mental Health Recovery Star 10 The MHRS assesses ten life domains (managing mental health; self-care; living skills; social networks; work; relationships; addictive behaviour; responsibilities; identity and self-esteem; trust and hope) each of which are represented diagrammatically as a point on a ten-arm star. Each domain (or arm) is rated on a Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
QOC Quality of Communication Questionnaire, INTERVIEWER-ADMINISTERED VERSION (Version 1.0) 17 The QOC is an instrument for assessing the quality of patient-doctor communication around end-of-life issues. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
QDTS Quality of Discharge Teaching Scale 18 The Quality of Discharge Teaching Scale (QDTS) is used to measure patients' perceptions of the amount of discharge-related informational content they needed and received. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
QPP-SF Quality from the Patients Perspective Questionnaire Shortened version 24 The quality from the patient's perspective (QPP) questionnaire is based on a theoretical model (Wilde et al., 1993), which stipulates that patients' perceptions of what constitutes quality of care are formed by their encounters with an existing care structure and by their systems of norms, expectations, and experiences. Quality of care can be understood in the light of two conditions: the resource structure of the care organization and patients' preferences. The resource structure of the care organization consists of person-related as well as physical and administrative environmental qualities. Patients' preferences have both rational and human aspects. Within this framework, patients' perceptions of quality of care may be considered in four dimensions: medical Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
HCSHS Health Care Systems Hassles Scale 16 The Components of Primary Care Instrument was used to measure 4 attributes of primary care: accumulated knowledge of the patient by the clinician, coordination of care, communication, and preference for first contact with their primary care clinician. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PPE-15 Picker Patient Experience Questionnaire 15 The Picker Patient Experience Questionnaire (PPE-15) is a fifteen item questionnaire covering eight domains including information & education and coordination of care. The PPE-15 was originally designed for use in inpatient care settings (Jenkinson 2002). It can be used for both planned and emergency inpatient settings, and was developed to identify patient experiences and problems with specific health care processes that affect the quality of care in inpatient settings. It contains specific questions about whether specific processes and events occurred during the patients care episode. Whilst it has good, broad coverage of P3C domains, it does not include goal setting, single point, case manager, continuity of care, consistency of care and knowledge. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PPCB Physician-Patient Communication Behaviours Scale 13/17 There had been no scales specifically developed to assess physician-patient communication behaviors (PPCB) in the sub-Saharan population. Therefore an existing PPCB scale was revised and tested for HIV patients in Kenya. The measure consists of 17 items (five-point scale) measuring PPCB which where initially adopted from the Matched Pair Instrument (MPI). Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PCCQ-patient Person-centred Climate Questionnaire (PCCQ-patient version) 17 The person-centred climate questionnaire is designed to assess what extent the climate of health care settings is perceived by patients as being person centred. Questionnaire items where generated from qualitative studies and contains 17 items in two subscales: safety and hospitality. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
M-PICS Modified Perceived Involvement in Care Scale 20 M-PICS is a modified version of the Perceived Involvement in Care Scale. It revised the original measure by ugmenting it with items that were pain specific as well as with questions that covered patient perceptions of the physician's control of the information-exchange process. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
POC Perceptions of Care (POC) View Detail
PICS Perceived Involvement in Care Scale 13 The Perceived Involvement in Care Scale (PICS) is a brief, psychometrically sound, self-administered measure of patients perceptions of doctor-patient communication during the medical encounter. The PICS assesses three domains of activities during the medical encounter: doctor facilitation of patient involvement (five items); patient information provision (PI) (four items); and patient participation in decision making (four items). Items reflect overt behaviours of patients and physicians observed during routine outpatient visits. The PICS has been administered to outpatient samples of breast cancer and other, non-cancer patient populations, although not to patients with persistent pain as a presenting problem. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PRA Patient Reactions Assessment 15 The PRA is composed of 3 5-item scales designed to measure the perceived quality of the informative (Patient Information Index) and affective (Patient Affective Index) behaviors of the provider and the patient's perceived ability to initiate communication (Patient Communication Index) about the illness. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PPPC Patient Perception of Patient-Centredness (PPPC) 14 The PPPC was developed in Canada and based on empirical studies of the doctor-patient relationship (M. Stewart et al. 2000). The tool measures patient perceptions of patient-centred care during the last visit with a family physician. PPPC showed significant correlations with better recovery from discomfort, alleviation of concerns, and better emotional health 2 months after the initial visit, and with use of fewer diagnostic tests and referrals (M. Stewart et al. 2000). Patients perception of patient-centred behaviours was strongly associated with patients satisfaction with information (Mallinger, Griggs, and Shields 2005). In a systematic review, the PPPC measures 3 of the 4 dimensions of the conceptual framework of PCC (Hudon et al. 2011) - disease and illness experience (4 items), whole person (1 item), and common ground (9 items). Hudon, Catherine, Martin Fortin, Jeannie L. Haggerty, Mireille Lambert, and Marie-Eve Poitras. 2011. Measuring Patients Perceptions of Patient-Centred Care: A Systematic Review of Tools for Family Medicine. Annals of Family Medicine 9 (2): 155 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
P3C Parent Perceptions of Primary Care 23 The P3C is a practical, reliable, and valid measure of parents' reports of pediatric primary care quality. This brief measure could be used alone, or in conjunction with other measures, to enhance outcomes and evaluate the impact of systems changes on the delivery of the main elements of primary care. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PC Patient Perception of Continuity Instrument 23 The PC is a generic measure of management continuity for patients who regularly see more than one clinician, and who are at risk of discontinuity and fragmented care. The measure was developed in Canada with extensive patient involvement. Initial publication revealed it to be a reliable measure of continuity and coordination of care across the entire system (Haggerty et al. 2012). Patient perception of continuity, as measured by the PC instrument, was strongly and significantly associated with patient satisfaction, but was not associated with costs. The questionnaire consists of 23 statements describing various aspects of an ongoing patient-physician longitudinal relationship. Questions cover two main factors: (1) structure of health care delivery (11 items) and (2) interpersonal relationship between physician and patients (12 items) Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PPC Patient Participation Scale 6 A tool to measure patient participation in shared treatment decision-making in depression and mental health. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PPRQ Patient Participation in Rehabilitation Questionnaire 23 A questionnaire measuring patient participation in rehabilitation. Items were developed from interviews with patients who had a spinal cord injury. Findings from the testing phase led to the assertion that the PPRQ can adequately assess central aspects of participation in care and rehabilitation from the perspective of patients with spinal cord injury. The developers state that further studies, that utilise larger samples, will have to be conducted, so that the scale structure can be confirmed, as well as the sensitivity and responsiveness of the questionnaire. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PHCPCS Patient-Health Care Provider Communication Scale 21 PHCPS is a patient-perspective driven measure of the quality of patient-health care provider communication. It has the potential for use in clinical practice, provider education, and further studies to improve health care to patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PFC Patient Feedback on Consultation Skills 16 A feedback questionnaire, in which patients assess consultation skills based on their previous experiences. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PEQ Patient Experience Questionnaire (Pettersen) 18 The Patient Experience Questionnaire (PEQ, Pettersen et al., 2004) was developed from a large sample of respondents to capture patients experiences of quality of hospital care. It is a free to use, reliable, validated measure of patient experience. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
I-PAHC Patient Experience with Inpatient Care 16 The In-Patient Experiences of Health Care (I-PAHC) can be useful in assessing patients' evaluations of care delivery in low-income settings. The questionnaire is brief and can be integrated into health systems strengthening efforts with the support of leadership at the health facility and the country levels. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PEI Patient Enablement Instrument 6 The Patient Enablement Instrument (PEI) has been suggested as a means of examining various aspects of a clinical consultation for the purpose of capturing dimensions other than patient satisfaction. The instrument focuses instead on the impact of a consultation on a patients self-perceived ability to understand and cope with health issues and disease. The instrument has been described to be related to, but different from, measures of satisfaction Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
P-CIS Patient-centred Inpatient Scale (P-CIS) 20 A tool for measuring patient perceptions of person-centred care Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PCOMQ Patient-centred Outcomes Questionnaire 20 (follow up =30+) in 10 domains A clinical PROM for measuring outcomes in chronic spine pain that incoporates elements of patient-centred care via personalised goal setting and quality of life. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PAV-COM Patient Approach and Views toward Healthcare Communication Scale 9 The PAV-COM measure is a valid tool for assessing patient approaches and views toward communication with physicians. This measure can be used to evaluate interventions to improve patient participation during healthcare encounters. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PAM-22 Patient Activation Measure (22 item) 22 The PAM is a tool that measures how engaged a patient is in their healthcare by assessing their knowledge, skill and confidence for self-management. Unlike other measures of engagement, the PAM not only captures the patients beliefs about their ability to self-manage, but also the likelihood that they will act on these beliefs. The PAM has been used in several different countries, including the UK. There are long (22 item) and short (13 item) versions available. To various degrees, the PAM has been applied in three main ways: as a means of intervening to improve individuals engagement and outcomes; to segment populations, and carry out risk stratification, so that interventions can be targeted to at risk groups and lastly, to measure the performance of health care systems and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to involve patients care. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PAM-13 Patient Activation Measure (13 item) 13 The PAM is a tool that measures how engaged a patient is in their healthcare by assessing their knowledge, skill and confidence for self-management. Unlike other measures of engagement, the PAM not only captures the patients beliefs about their ability to self-manage, but also the likelihood that they will act on these beliefs. The PAM has been used in several different countries, including the UK. There are long (22 item) and short (13 item) versions available. To various degrees, the PAM has been applied in three main ways: as a means of intervening to improve individuals engagement and outcomes; to segment populations, and carry out risk stratification, so that interventions can be targeted to at risk groups and lastly, to measure the performance of health care systems and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions to involve patients care. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PAIEC Patient assessment of integrated elderly care 21 The PAIEC is a recently developed version of the PACIC specifically designed for older populations (Uittenbroek et al. 2015). Similar to the PACIC, it has good coverage of a high number of important domains, including patient activation; delivery system design and decision support; goal setting and tailoring; problem-solving and contextual counselling; follow-up and coordination. However, it does not tap carer involvement, single point of contact/case manager and consistency of contact. Initial publication reveals it to be a and valid measurement instrument that evaluates quality of integrated care and support from the perspective of elderly people (Uittenbroek et al. 2015). Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PACIC Patient Assessment of Care for Chronic Conditions 20 The PACIC (Glasgow et al. 2005) is a well-established tool for measuring patient experience of chronic illness care and is applicable to many settings. It was developed in the US and based on the influential Chronic Care Model (CCM). It provides good coverage of the P3C domains. It is a 20-item measure that enables patients with chronic conditions to report on the care they have recieved within the past 6 months. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
OxPIE The Oxford Patient Involvement and Experience Questionnaire 11 A UK based 11 item measure for assessing inpatient care for patients with Limiting Long Term conditions (LLTCs). Items tap areas of the following domains: My goals/ outcomes, care Planning, transitions, decision making, information and communication. It has been used to that Patients with LLTCs were more critical of their inpatient care than those with no LLTCs (Hewitson et al. 2014). Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
OX-PAQ The Oxford Participation and Activities Questionnaire 23 The Oxford Participation and Activities Questionnaire (OX-PAQ) is a short, patient-reported outcome measure that is grounded on the World Health Organization International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) (Kelly et al, 2015a). A distinguishing feature of this measure is that it taps into a patients level of social connectivity. Initial evaluations of the measure suggest that it can provide a valid and reliable measure of participation and activity. There are plans in place to validate it further by assessing its performance in a range of additional conditions and by assessing its sensitivity to change and predictive capabilities (Kelly et al, 2015b). Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ORS Outcome Rating Scale 4 A simple, four-item session by session measure designed to assess areas of life functioning known to change as a result of therapeutic intervention. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
OPPQNCS Oncology Patients' Perceptions of the Quality of Nusing Care Scale 18 The OPPQNCS measures the quality of cancer nursing care from the patients perspective. Long (40 items) and Short form (18 item) versions are available. The long form may be especially useful for quality improvement purposes; the short form may be useful when respondent burden is a concern. The OPPQNCS can be used in studies designed to examine relations among cancer patients perceptions of care quality, health care system characteristics (e.g., nurse staffing), patient characteristics (e.g., race, gender), and nurse sensitive patient outcomes (e.g., health related quality of life; psychological sense of well-being). Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Dyadic OPTION Dyadic OPTION 12 The dyadic version of the existing OPTION measure was developed so that a single tool could be used to assess the extent to which patients had engaged in shared decision making from two viewpoints (the patients and the health care practitioners). The developers believed it would be more advantageous to adapt an existing decision making tool, rather than develop a new one, because they could benefit from the rigorous testing that had already been applied to the original measure. Specifically, that it had the psychometric data to support its uni-dimensional nature (Cook & Kenny, 2005; LeBlanc, Kenny, OConnor & Legare, 2009). Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
NORPEQ Norwegian Patient Experience Questionnaire 8 The NORPEQ was designed to include a core set of questions covering the most important aspects of patient experiences that can be used cross-nationally and alongside existing longerform national survey questionnaires. It is an 8-item instrument design to measure patient experiences of hospital care. The instrument consists of 6 item assessing patient experience (information on tests, staff interested in problem, professional skills of nurses/doctors, nursing care, and understanding doctors) and two additional items measuring global satisfaction and perceptions of incorrect treatment. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
MPI Matched Pair instrument (PATIENT VERSION) 19 This measure uses 19 items to capture information from the patient about how their visit with a doctor unfolded. It focuses on both the process aspects of the visit (e.g. patient greeting, listening, and understanding) as well as the content of the visit (e.g. explanations, treatment options, next steps). There is a patient and doctor version and because the item number is relatively low, it can be completed at the end of the visit without causing too much burden to the patient. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
P3C-EQ Person centred coordinated experience questionnaire (formerly know as the modified long term conditions questionnaire 6) 11+trigger question The most modern of the broad-coverage P3C measures, it is a modified version of the LTCQ-6. The measure was developed in 2015, so that there could be a measure that provided extensive coverage of the domains of Person Centred Care and Coordination. The development process involved adding additional questions to the original measure that addressed evolving healthcare concepts, such as coordination and the use of personalised care plans. It was developed through extensive stakeholder engagement with patients, commissioners and practitioners who chose this measure to develop from a shortlist of identified measures. Despite its very broad coverage, the measure is concise and efficient. It probes most domains of P3C in 11 questions (with the only exceptions being continuity of care and consistency of care). However if this measure is used with the same cohort over time, continuity can be explored through the combined construct of the tool. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
LTC6 The long term conditions questionnaire 6 6 The LTC6 Questionnaire asks patients with a long term condition about their healthcare over the last 12 months. It includes questions about involvement in decision- making, although the focus is on self-management. The measure can be used to drive improvements at both the population and provider level. The LTC6 Questionnaire asks patients with a long term condition about their experience and understanding of the healthcare they have received over the last 12 months. It asks 6 questions about how involved people felt in decisions about their care and how well supported they felt to manage their own health. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
JSPPPE Jefferson Scale of Patient Perceptions of Physician Empathy 5 A brief scale (5 item) for assessing patients perceptions of their physicians empathic engagement. Originates in the USA and concentrates on the domain of therapeutic relationships (PCCC behaviours and communication skills). Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
IntegRATE IntegRATE 4 A brief and generic patient-reported measure of integration in health care delivery. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
IDPCS Instrument on Doctor-Patient Communication Skills 19 Measures patient perception of physician communication skills. Uses 5-point Likert scale (strongly disagree to strongly agree).Caputres both patient and doctor perceptions of communication. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
INSPIRE INSPIRE (BRIEF) 5 INSPIRE is a measure designed to assess a service user's experiences of the support they receive from a mental health worker for their recovery. It has two versions: a 27-item full version (INSPIRE) and a 5-item short version (Brief INSPIRE). Both versions are completed by a service user about their worker. It was developed at King's College London. Both versions of INSPIRE have been psychometrically evaluated Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
IAPT-PbR IAPT-PbR Patient experience measure 9 (and open-text box) Patient choice and satisfaction for the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies initiative. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
HowRu R-outcomes engagement 4 HowRu captures peoples quality of life. It has four items (discomfort, distress, disability and dependence), rated using four levels (none, a little, quite a lot and extreme), providing 256 possible states (4(4)); it has an aggregate scoring scheme with a range from 0 (worst) to 12 (best). Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
HowRwe R-Outcomes HowRwe 4 HowRwe is a short generic patient-reported experience measure (PREM), which measures patients perceptions of the care and service provided. It is suitable for all types of patient and care settings. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Health care system hassles (chronic illnesses) View Detail
HCEQ The Health Care Empowerment Questionnaire 10 This tool measures the extent of indiviudal empowerment in relation to personal health care and services. It was created by identifying individual empowerment and indicators from the literature, devising related items and then testing them with a sample of older people. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
HCCQ Health Care Communication 13 A 13-item questionnaire comprising four components in outpatients' experience in the healthcare communication domain: problem solving, respect, lack of hostility, and nonverbal immediacy. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
FCCS Family-Centred Care Scale 7 A seven-item instrument designed to measure a parents experience of nursing care that embodies core principles of family-centered care. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
ESQ Experience of Service Questionnaire 15 (12 are scored) A tool designed for the parent or carer of a child in mental health services. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
DISQ Doctors Interpersonal Skills Questionnaire 11 A 12 item scale developed to gather patient feedback on doctors interpersonal skills. Developed in the UK, questions focus on the domains of therapeutic relationships (PCCC behaviours and communication skills) and information sharing. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
DCS Decisional Conflict Scale 16 A scale that elicits; health-care Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
DSES Decision Self-Efficacy Scale 11 A tool that identifies the factors contributing to difficulty in decision-making regarding treatment and evaluates decision-supporting interventions. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
Cues Cues 17 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CPS Control Preferences Scale 5 cards The Control Preferences Scale consists of 5 cards representing different roles individuals may assume in the treatment decision-making process. Each role is described by a statement and a cartoon. These roles range from the individual making the treatment decisions, through the individual making the decisions jointly with the physician, to the physician making the decisions. The CPS involves subjects in making a series of paired comparisons to provide their total preference order over the five cards. A. I prefer to make the decision about which treatment I will receive. D. I prefer that my doctor makes the final decision about which treatment will be used, but seriously considers my opinion - may count as one that is for the seldome heard group Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CCM Consultation Care Measure 21 Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CPCI Components of Primary Care Index 20 A 20 item tool developed in the USA to assess patient satisfaction with the major aspects of primary care delivery (interpersonal communication, the doctors accumulated knowledge of the individual patient, patients preference to see their regular doctor and care coordination). Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CAT Communication Assessment Tool 14 The Communication Assessment Tool (CAT) is a 15 item measure, developed in the US, which can be used by patients to assess the interpersonal and communication skills of physicians through a five-point response scale (5=excellent). Usability has been enhanced by the items being written at fourth grade level (age 9-10). 14 Items focus on the physician and one addresses the behaviour of the staff. The initial pool of possible items were developed by drawing upon existing models and instruments of communication. These items were then tested within patient focus groups and cognitive interviews, which led to item refinement and elimination. The final measure was tested in a study involving 905 patients and 38 physicians. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CollaboRATE CollaboRATE 3 CollaboRATE was designed to be a rapid and frugal means of measuring patients experiences of shared decision making. It contains three questions that patients (or if necessary parents, or representatives) complete following a health care encounter. It was intended to be a generic measure that could be used in research as well as within all routine heath care settings and for any type of condition (Barr, Thompson, Walsh, Grande, Ozanne & Elwyn, 2014). Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CTM-15 Care Transitions Measure 15-question version 15 This measure is cited as being the most widely used measure of care transition quality (Coleman et al. 2002) .The 4 CTM domains, which derived from patient focus groups, are: (1) Information transfer, (2) Patient and Caregiver Preparation, (3) Support for Self-Management, and (4) Empowerment to Assert Preferences. A shorter version of the measure is available that only has 3 items. The measure provides good coverage of a variety of aspects of person-centredness, with the exception of single point of contact/key worker and therapeutic relationship. However, poor psychometric properties have been reported. An independent evaluation revealed that the CTM-15 had good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha=0.95) but demonstrated acquiescence bias (8.7% participants responded Strongly agree and 19% responded Agree to all items) and limited score variability (Anatchkova et al. 2014). Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CTM-3 Care Transitions Measure 3-question version 3 The most widely used measure of care transition quality is the Care Transitions Measure (CTM-15). This is a brief 3-question version. The 4 CTM domains derived from patient focus groups are; information transfer, patient and caregiver preparation, support for self-management, and empowerment to assert preferences. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CARE Consultation and Relational Empathy Scale 10 It measures empathy in the context of the therapeutic relationship during a one-on-one consultation between a clinician and a patient. Originally developed and rigorously tested for use by GPs, it has since been successfully used by other medical staff, allied health professionals (AHPs) and nurses (Widely applicable). Questions cover communication, therapeutic relationship and decision making (maps on well to PCC domains). Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
CES-P Care evaluation Scale - Patient version 23 A scale designed to measure the quality of the structure and process in palliative care from the patient's perspective. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
PACIC+ Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care+ 26 Patient experience of chronic illness care. This extended version of the PACIC includes the same 20 items as the original measure, but adds six items to the original instrument. These 6 questions derive from the 5As model (ask, advise, agree, assist, and arrange), a patient centered model of behavioral counseling that is congruent with the CCM and has been frequently used to enhance self management support and linkages to community resources. Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail
THF The Human Five 5 An individualised measure that allows patients to set personal goals on five key areas of health and wellbeing Person Centred Coordinated Care View Detail