PROM Detail

Control Preferences Scale
  • Basic Information
  • Detailed Information
  • Domains
  • Psychometrics

Basic Information

Abbreviated name
Full name
Control Preferences Scale
Items ?
The number of questions in the survey
5 cards
Short description
The Control Preferences Scale consists of 5 cards representing different roles individuals may assume in the treatment decision-making process. Each role is described by a statement and a cartoon. These roles range from the individual making the treatment decisions, through the individual making the decisions jointly with the physician, to the physician making the decisions. The CPS involves subjects in making a series of paired comparisons to provide their total preference order over the five cards. A. I prefer to make the decision about which treatment I will receive. D. I prefer that my doctor makes the final decision about which treatment will be used, but seriously considers my opinion - may count as one that is for the seldome heard group
PCCC or QoL? ?
This compendium contains patient-reported measures that are either designed to specifically measure aspects of Person Centred Co-Ordinated Care (P3C), or alternatively tools that are designed to measure some aspect of Quality of Life (QoL) or Health Related Quality of Life (hrQoL). All the measures in this compendium have been broadly categorised into one of those two concepts.
Person Centred Coordinated Care
Main Domains Measured ?
This is the key domains that the measure is targeting.
Shared decision-making, levels of autonomy
Type of measure ?
The measures in this compendium can take a variety of forms. Generally, they will be either Patient Reported Outcome Measure (PROM) or Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM). However, we have also included a few measures that are completed by proxy-individual (PROXY), which are useful in instances where the respondent cannot answer directly (e.g. dementia or end of life). Sometimes, these measures can even be a composite of these types, and target both experiences and outcomes – we have labelled these measures “PROEMs”.
Respondent ?
The person that fills in the questionnaire - e.g. patient, Health Care Professional, or proxy (normally a carer or family member)

Detailed Information

Year developed ?
The year in which the measure was first published.
Country developed in ?
The main country[s] in which the measure was first developed.
Original publication ?
The publication in which the measure was originally published.
Search Citations of Original Reference
Target condition ?
The measures can be either generic or disease specific (e.g. Diabetes, Heart Failure)
Generic - people with life threatening illness
Main context tested in ?
The main context in which the measure has been developed and used (E.g. Hopital, General Practice etc).
Hospital, community
Main countries used in ?
The main countries in which the measure has been developed and used.
UK, Canada, Korea
Target age ?
e.g. Adults, Children, Elderly
Main uses of measure ?
The context in which the measure is most often used – e.g. clinical trials; national surveys.
To measure the control preferences construct- defined as the degree of control an individual wants to assume when decisions are being made about medical treatment
Used in UK? ?
Whether the instrument has been tested and validated within a UK healthcare context.
Impact ?
A crude indication of the impact of the measure on academia. This is the number of times the original publication has been cited on PubMed, divided/normalised to the years since publication.


Domain description
The Control Preferences Scale consists of 5 cards representing different roles individuals may assume in the treatment decision-making process. Each role is described by a statement and a cartoon. These roles range from the individual making the treatment decisions, through the individual making the decisions jointly with the physician, to the physician making the decisions. The CPS involves subjects in making a series of paired comparisons to provide their total preference order over the five cards. A. I prefer to make the decision about which treatment I will receive. D. I prefer that my doctor makes the final decision about which treatment will be used, but seriously considers my opinion - may count as one that is for the seldome heard group
Shared decision making
Information sharing


Brief description ?
A brief description of the initially reported psychometric properties of the measure.
The scale has been tested in a variety of populations, ranging from the general public to highly stressed groups. The CPS has proven to be a clinically relevant, easily administered, valid, and reliable